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Feeling Absolutely Exhausted? 14 Reasons Why

Feeling Absolutely Exhausted? 14 Reasons Why

exhaustion symptoms

We have found fourteen reasons for physical and moral exhaustion. And the same number of simple solutions that will help to regain energy and courage.

Drink a Little Water

Even slight dehydration – 2% above the natural loss of water – reduces our energy level, said Amy Goodson, a nutritionist at the Texas Sports Medicine Centre. Dehydration reduces the volume of blood, making it thicker, harder for the heart to pump, and slower for oxygen and nutrients to reach various organs.

How much fluid does each of us need? Amy Goodson suggests the following formula for calculating: the weight (in pounds) is divided by 2, and the resulting figure is the amount of water (in ounces) that you need. Don’t be lazy to recalculate your weight in pounds and convert ounces into liters.

You quit Playing Sports

It may seem that by reducing physical activity, we are saving energy. But this is a misconception. A study at the University of Georgia showed that when healthy, sedentary people start to exercise only 20 minutes three times a week, they become less tired and feel more energetic after only 6 weeks.

Regular exercise makes us stronger and more enduring and strengthens our cardiovascular system. So as soon as you are tempted to crash on the couch, go for a walk, do not regret it.

You Have Iron Deficiency in Your Body

Iron deficiency can make us sluggish, irritable, and difficult to concentrate. “The reason why we’re so tired here is because less oxygen is coming to our tissues and cells,” said Amy Goodson.

To make up for iron deficiency and avoid iron-related anemia, lay on products such as lean meat, beans, tofu, eggs, dark green leafy vegetables, nuts, peanut butter and products with a high vitamin C content (it helps iron to digest). Keep in mind that iron deficiency can be associated with some hidden disease, so it is better to consult a doctor just in case.

You’re a perfectionist

The desire to be perfect – which is unattainable – makes you work much harder and longer than necessary, says Irene Levin, a professor of psychiatry at New York University School of Medicine.

Set a strict time frame and stick to it

“The perfectionist sets themself completely unrealistic goals, which are too complex or unattainable, and therefore never feels satisfied.

Levin recommends that you set yourself a strict time frame for doing the job and try to stick to it. Gradually, it will become clear that wasting time does not help to improve the quality of the work.

You miss breakfast

Food is the fuel for our bodies. When we sleep, it continues to use the energy it received during lunch or dinner. So in the morning we need to refill it with breakfast. If we miss it, we feel weak.

“Breakfast triggers metabolism in the body,” said Amy Goodson. She recommends starting the day with wholemeal products, simple proteins, and healthy fats. For example, it can be oatmeal with protein powder plus peanut butter or smoothies made of fruit, protein powder, lean milk plus almond oil; another option is eggs plus two wholemeal toasts plus skimmed yogurt.

You Make a Bug Out of a Fly

If you go crazy when your boss suddenly invites you to talk, or if you’re afraid to drive for fear of an accident, then you’re prone to catastrophe, always expecting the worst you can do. Such anxiety is exhausting.

When you catch yourself on such thoughts, take a deep breath and think: how justified are your dark expectations? Walking, meditating, exercising, and talking to a friend in confidence can all help you deal with anxiety and gain a more sober view of things.

You’re into Unhealthy Food.

Products containing a lot of sugar and fast carbohydrates (such as those offered in fast-food restaurants) have a high glycemic index, i.e. they quickly raise blood sugar levels. Constant sugar jumps up and down make us tired all day long,” says Amy Goodson. Lenten meat and wholemeal products help stabilize sugar levels. Chicken (baked, not fried) with brown rice, salmon and potatoes, chicken salad and fruit are good options.

It’s Hard for You to Say No

Wishing to please others is expensive, it takes away our energy and makes us feel happy. And what’s worse, it makes us eternally offended and angry. You don’t have to agree when your boss offers you a weekend job.

Learn to say ”no” when you need it, says a study by the Cleveland Clinic clinical psychologist Susan Alberts. – Practice in advance: one thing you can hear from them is the word you hear on their lips that will allow you to replicate it in a real life situation when you will need it.

Your Desk is Full of Junk

When the brain is harder to process information, we are more tired, according to a study by Princeton University. When you leave the office, clean up your desk, it’s easier to start the next day in a positive way.

You Work on Vacation

If you keep checking your work emails, instead of enjoying your rest by the pool, you put yourself at risk of burnout. On vacation, you need to disconnect yourself from your business worries and allow yourself to relax so that you can regain your strength and feel more creative and effective when you get back to work.

You like to Have a Glass of Wine Before Going to Bed

It’s a habit that can go sideways. At first, alcohol really calms you down by suppressing the central nervous system,” says Alain Toufay, a neurologist and sleep specialist. – But then there is the opposite effect: alcohol causes a surge of adrenaline and prevents sleep maintenance. Having drunk wine to sleep, we will most likely wake up in the middle of the night and wake up broken in the morning. Therefore, 3-4 hours before bedtime, alcohol should not be taken anymore.

You are Always Checking your Mail Before You Go to Bed

A backlit tablet, smartphone, or computer screen can disrupt our natural daily biorhythm by suppressing the production of melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep and wakefulness. Although our sensitivity to screen shimmering is different, it’s still the most sensible thing to turn off your gadgets an hour or two before you go to sleep. If you can’t get away from your smartphone, keep it at least 35 cm away from you.

You Used to Cheer Yourself up With Caffeine During the Day

It’s okay to get yourself a cup of coffee in the morning. But the abuse of coffee (more than three servings) can seriously disrupt the daily rhythm of sleep and waking, warns Dr. Toufai. Caffeine blocks the production of adenosine, the accumulation of which causes sleep. A study published in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine in the United States has shown that the quality of sleep can be affected by a coffee drunk 6 hours before you go to bed.

You Sleep for a Long Time on the Weekends

If we lie down late and get up late on weekends, then we hardly fall asleep on Monday night and sleep in the morning on the move. However, this does not mean that you have to deny yourself all the evening pleasures on weekends. But it would be good to get up in the morning at the usual time – it is better to sleep a little during the day. “The ideal option is to take a nap for 20 minutes. Then you don’t reach the stage of deep sleep, after which you would wake up more tired,” says Dr. Toufay.